Save lives by protecting those who save lives


I felt ashamed when an American friend claimed to me that his church donated tens of thousands of masks to China and now they are forced by pay gouging prices to buy masks for hospitals.  I felt I had to do something. I guess the best way for us to help is donate what we can find in China to our American friends still battling the coronavirus, as China recovers and resumes productions. While masks are still in short supply and rationed, some factories in China are able to export now. Our donors will buy what they can find and send to those in need in the US. Please post what you need, and hopefully a willing donor will help.  We do NOT accept any monetary donations. Neither do we get involved in buying supplies for donations. We ask our donors buy masks and PPEs and send them directly to the US. We believe in this crisis, donating supplies is the best way to help. 


滴水之恶, 涌泉相报。美国人民对我们的帮助,我们不会忘记。不管两国政客如何唇枪舌剑,不管两国贸易如何走向,这都不影响人民之间的往来和互助。美国有需求的医疗人员将会在这里贴出他们紧缺的物资,我们希望有物资的厂家能尽一点点力,哪怕只捐助一个口罩,一个护目镜也是好的。对于普通想帮助美国人民的人,我们不接受如何现金捐款,请您直接和美国需求方对接,购买物资后直接送给对方,这是你的爱心,也是你们的友谊。




We need PPEs

